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Species Rules


➣ -  I have the right to display all of my own artwork of the species. Including for promotional use.

➣ -  You may only use your adoptable for personal use. You may not use the design for commercial purposes. You may, however, use the characters in self-published works such as comics/webcomics, album art, plushies, etc. as long as proper credit is given.
➣ -  Do not claim you are the owner of the species.

➣ - Adopts can be traded, resold, or given away. Reselling and trading rules apply.

➣ - Please link back to the species if you post them somewhere.

➣ - Do not claim that you are the creator of the species or original design! You don’t need to credit me if the design is a MYO.





➣ -  All payments for designs, MYOS, commissions, and custom slots are made in USD through Venmo, Paypal or other means depending on the artist, unless stated otherwise.
➣ -  A claimed design or custom slot must be paid for within 24 hours. otherwise they will put them back up for sale.

➣ - Art Offers
Artwork offers are to be completed in a timely manner. You have 2 weeks per art piece to get them done. If you do not complete your artwork offer, the design will be put back up for sale.

➣ - Refunds will not be given out for any purchased adoptables. That includes art as well.

➣ - Full refunds will not be given out for any custom designs that have been worked on unless I am unable to complete the work.
You are automatically agreeing to the wait time of custom designs. Wait time ranges based on content, usually averaging between 2 weeks. You will be given updates on progress if requested at time of purchase and are always free to check in with me if you have questions or concerns.
I do usually live stream when working on customs and I will always let you know and send you a link to the stream.

➣ - If I am seeking a design, or a pre-made character, I may offer you a MYO slot.
Co - Owning:

➣ - You are free to co-own designs. If any problems arise from a co-ownership it is not my responsibility to sort it out and you must settle it yourselves. Please be careful who you co-own with!!

➣ - Making changes to a design is allowed with permission. When done with a redesign, be sure to submit it to the approval chat in our discord.
Basic design change guidelines are as follows -
➣ - Color reworking is OK - but nothing so drastic it no longer can be identified from its original design.
➣ - You CANNOT trade traits on a design, or take them away, But if you have a MYO you can.
➣ - Design cannot be 100% redesigned in most cases, it must retain features and similarities to the original.
➣ - You cannot change Strix variants. 
➣ - You can adjust markings.

➣ - You cannot change a feral strix to anthro or anthro strix to feral. (Unless you have a MYO)

➣ - Each person can redesign each strix once. 

Design changes are kept when traded unless the new owner wishes to revert back to the previous Design.


➣ - You are allowed to develop your character in any way you want, and use them for roleplay purposes and any other non profit, personal use.

➣ -  The owner is allowed to repost the original art of the design anywhere they want, as long as credit is given to me in the form of a link back to my gallery.
For new art created you are not required to link back but I would appreciate it if you do! It helps people figure out what the species is and can bring new people to the community!

➣ -  Do not claim the original artwork for the design or species as your own!

MYO Guidelines:

➣ -  Please do not make your own without a MYO slot.

➣ - There is no time limit in which you are required to complete your MYO slot.

➣ - You are allowed to commission someone else to complete your MYO design. And they understand the rules/guidelines to your MYO slot. If the artist makes any trait or feature mistakes on the design they will be asked to change it.
Either the owner of the slot or the artist must get the design approved before posting them publicly.

➣ - If you have any questions on how to design your MYO, please ask CoypuCoyote.

Regular Slots:

➣ - If you receive a MYO slot, the slot itself can be resold or traded.

Gift Slots:

➣ - Do not sell or trade gifted MYO slots, or finished gift MYO designs without permission! If you try to sell or trade them - blacklisting may occur.

➣ - The finished design must be approved by an admin before it is posted. Do not post it until I have confirmed that it is approved. If changes need to be made you must make them or the design can not be made official.

➣ - If you trade or sell unapproved MYO designs you will automatically be blacklisted.

➣ -  Read and follow whatever OTA/Auction rules are listed in the description.

➣ - However, if you AB or if the auction otherwise ends and you back out at the last moment then:

*         On first offense: You will no longer be able to purchase flatsales, OTAs, or auctions, but you may still offer other non-money things on OTAs and participate in group events and free events (raffles, dtas, ect)

*         On Second offense: You will be blacklisted. 

Please do not bid if you cannot commit, please take purchasing artwork and artist services seriously.

Reselling & Trading 

➣ - There is 1 week cool down period! (This does not apply to new pups from the breeding event) If you sell or trade the character before the time is up. Than you will receive a strike.

➣ - If you resell, you may only resell your design for an equal or lower amount to what you paid for it. Plus the Whatever art you got for the character.
YOU HAVE TO HAVE PROOF OF PURCHASE in order for the extra art to count. AC (Amino Coin) does not count as USD

➣ - do not charge extra for any gift art or trade art.

➣ - You may not resell a design you did not pay for. If your trade terms with the original buyer of the design included money then you may resell for the price you paid the previous owner.



➣ - A strike is a warning given when a rule is broken. The general rule is 'three strikes' AND YOUR OUT, but depending on the severity of the warning corrective action may be taken before then.

➣ - A black-list is generally only given to those whom have been repeat offenders or have done something that we do not want in our community (such as Species rip-offs, scamming, harassment, hate speech, etc.)

➣ - When a user is black-listed from the group and species, under no circumstances do we revoke that user's Characters from the species. They will not be allowed to get more in the future nor will they be allowed to participate in the group, but they will be allowed to trade, gift, or resell their character.

Custom Information

➣ - Read all relevant information given at the time of custom slot purchase.

➣ - Custom slots cannot be traded, gifted, or resold.

➣ - There will be no refunds given for purchased custom slots or finished custom designs unless I am unable to complete the work.

➣ - Time for completion of custom varies greatly, 2 weeks as a minimum to upwards of 2+ months, it is highly dependent on communication between commissioner and artist, and on other work in queue.

➣ -  WIPs can be given on request.

➣ - Custom openings will be announced through posts.

➣ - It is up to YOU as the client to ensure I have your most frequently used method of contact. If you decide to disappear off of social media without informing me first, you might be forfeiting the right to your custom. If I am attempting to work on your piece, and cannot have you there to answer questions, I will provide you with a short amount of time to respond. If no method of contact is made I will just finish your custom and changes will not be able to be made.

General Terms

Payment & Refunds

Design Changes

Design and Art Usage

Finished MYO Designs

OTAs & Auctions

Strikes, Temporary Bans & Black-Listing

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